Asklepios 81
Cover Illustration: Tridentia (Stapelia) parvipunctata (N.E.Br.) L.C.Leach. From the original water color drawing by Miss Cythna Letty for the Flowering Plants of South Africa 12: 470 (1932)
Butler, Alan: Editorial
Readers' Letters
Moore, Chris: IAS1204 - Identification Mystery Unravelled
Meve, Ulrich: To which Genus does Stapelia miscella N.E.Br. Belong?
Lauchs, Gerhard & Niemeier, Werner: IG Ascleps - A New German Asclepiad Society
Dimmitt, Mark A.: Adenium Culture in Hot Climates or Greenhouses
Shirley, Paul: Sulawesi Tengah 1994 Update
Hargreaves, Bruce J.: Is Adenium a Valid Genus?
Ndung'u, Stanley N. & Newton, Leonard E.: Observations on the Tissue Culture of Some East African Stapeliads
McKenna, Tom: Have I Created a New Stapelia Hybrid?
De Kock, Dennis: Views on the Stapeliads: The Complete Checklist of the Stapeliads (Ceropegieae: Asclepiadoideae) - Part 2
The Sales Table