The International Asclepiad Society existed to encourage the study and knowledge of the plants of the family Asclepiadaceae (commonly known as ascleps, or in the USA as milkweeds).
Aims of the society
The International Asclepiad Society (IAS) came into being in 1976 to bring together anyone interested in growing and studying members of the plant family Asclepiadaceae. This is a large group of plants, and inevitably interest has centred around the succulents: Stapelia, Caralluma, Huernia and other Stapeliads, as well as Ceropegia, Hoya, etc., although other members of the family are not neglected.
In keeping with the latest taxonomical ideas, the family Apocynaceae was added to the scope of the society in 2000. This means principally Adenium and Pachypodium, but other plants in this family are also covered.
The Society aimed to increase available knowledge about all aspects of cultivation, ecology and correct naming of Asclepiads and the Apocynaceae. It also aimed to provide opportunity for the free exchange of information between members and to increase the number of species that are available in cultivation.
Closure of the International Asclepiad Society
The IAS closed at the end of 2021 after the publication of 127 journals. This was mainly due to lack of volunteers to run the Society and shortage of material to be published in Asklepios. This website is maintained to sell available back numbers and other IAS publications. Some publications from the IAS library will also be made available for sale in the near future. Note IAS subscriptions advertised elsewhere will be returned.