International Asclepiad Society
Websites dedicated to the asclepiads (Asclepiadaceae)
- - Portal dedicated to Stapeliads
- - Stapeliads website of Iztok Mulej
- IG-Ascleps - Web portal of IG-Ascleps - German Asclepiads Society
- Asclepidarium - Web site by Dr. Friederike Hübner
- Stapeliads, Orchids of the Succulent World - Photo album and and an article about pollination by Gerald Barad
- The Asclepiad Exhibition - Photo album by Chris Moore
- Stapeliads - Hidden Treasures oft the Desert - Digital Macro Photographs of Asclepiads by Martin Heigan
- Cultivation of Asclepiads - Notes about cultivation of stapeliads
- Hoya species - Web site of Dale Kloppenburg
- Photographs of Correctly named Hoya species - Photo album by Hilda Martin
- The Succulent Plant Page - Asclepiads & Succulents by Richard Hodgkiss
- Hoya World - by Tipol Ruangaksorn
- Monarch watch - Photo album of milkweeds (Asclepias)
- The Hoya Society International - International Hoya Society
Websites of C&S Societies
- The British Cactus and Succulent Society - Great Britain
- Ãssociázione Italiana Amatori della Piante Succulente (AIAS) - Italy
- Cactus & Co. - Italy
- Gesellschaft Ãsterreichischer Kakteenfreunde - Austria
- Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft e.V. (DKG) - Germany
- Fachgesellschaft andere Sukkulenten e.V: (FGaS) - German Society for other succulents
- Schweizerische Kakteen-Gesellschaft (SKG) - Switzerland
- Kaktusy - Czech Republic
- Succulenta - Netherlands & Belgium
- The Cactus and Succulent Society of America - USA
- Succulent Society of South Africa - RSA
- IOS - International Organisation for Succulent Plant Study
- Društvo prijateljev kaktusov Slovenije - Slovenia
Websites of C&S Nurseries
- Brookside Nursery - Spain
- Paul Shirley Succulents - Netherlands Palkowitschia - Czech Republic
- Mesa Garden - USA
- Bob Smoley's Gardenworld - USA
- Sheilam Nursery - South Africa
- Silverhill Seeds - South Africa
- Kambroo Succulents - South Africa
Some other interesting websites:
- The International Plant Name Index - data base of plant names, authors and publications
- Field Collector Acronym Database - Database of collector's acronyms
- Field Number Database - Database of field numbers