Asklepios 80
Cover Illustration: Stapelia variegata Linn. From Paul Hermann: Cat.Hort.Lugd.Bat., 1687
- Butler, Alan: Editorial
- Readers' Letters
- Moore, Chris: Seed Bank Update and a Taxonomic Mystery
- Mulej, Iztok: Huernia zebrina
- Martin, Leo A.: Asclepiads in Arizona: Huernia
- Audissou, Jean-André: The genus Caudanthera Plowes
- Meve, Ulrich: Notes on the Stapeliads of Tanzania
- Ricanek, Miroslav & Hanacek, Pavel: A new species of Rhytidocaulon (Asclepiadaceae) from southern Yemen
- Orlando, Giuseppe: Field notes: Asclepiads of Soqotra
- De Kock, Dennis: Views on the Stapeliads: The Species and Genus Concepts
- De Kock, Dennis: Views on the Stapeliads: The Complete Checklist of the Stapeliads (Ceropegieae: Asclepiadoideae) - Part 1
- The Sales Table