Asklepios 79
Cover Illustration: Stapelia variegata Linn. From Paul Hermann: Cat.Hort.Lugd.Bat., 1687
- Downs, Philip E.: Editorial
- Walker, Colin C. & Downs, Philip E.: John Medley Wood's Natal Asclepiads
- Kloppenburg, Dale: Computer Internet Hoya Collector's Group
- Hargreaves, Bruce J.: Ceropegia and Fockea in Botswana
- Collenette, Sheila: Huernias in Saudi Arabia
- Clark, Phil: Asclepiad Rubber - A Further Note
- Cole, Desmond T.: Stapeliads and their kin in Botswana - Some New Observations
- Walker, Colin C.: Asclepiads in the Literature
- Hedgecock, G.A.: Obituary: Peter Noble
- Downs, Philip E.: Book Review: Succulents II - The New Illustrated Dictionary by Maurizio Sajeva & Mariangela Costanzo
- Shirley, G.P.: Obituary: Albert Kroesen
- Heyne, Christian O.: A Key to American Asclepiad Genera
- The Sales Table