Cover Illustration:Larryleachia sp. (formerly Trichocaulon) drawn by Phil Hughes
Butler, Alan: Editorial
Moore, Chris: Society Matters
Bates, Brian: Review of New combinations in the genus Orbea by P.V. Bruyns, Aloe 37(4): 72-76 (2000)
Sternberg, Ilene: Watching Stephy Grow
Meve, Ulrich:Hoya heuschkeliana, A Neo-Endemic of Mt. Balusan (Philippines, Luzon), and Remarks on the Urceolate Flower Type in Asclepiadoideae
Konno, Tatiana U.P., Pereira, Jorge F. & De Araujo, Dorothy S.D.:Asclepiadaceae Brasilienses, XII. Diversity and Disstribution of Taxa from the Sandy Coastal-Plain Vegetation of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Martin, Leo A.: Asclepiads in Arizona: Hoodia
Ricanek, Miroslav & Hanacek, Pavel: Two stapeliad species from Iran
Lavranos, John J. & Mies, Bruno A.:Pseudolithos mccoyi (Asclepiadaceae-Stapelieae) A Significan New Species from the Sultanate of Oman
De Kock, Dennis: Views on the Stapeliads: The Complete Checklist of the Stapeliads (Ceropegieae: Asclepiadoideae) - Part 3