International Asclepiad Society

Asklepios 102

Front Cover: Flowers of Riocreuxia flanaganii.
Back Cover: Trailing habit of Riocreuxia flanaganii, here amongst Crassula obovata var. obovata, in rocky places amongst grasses.
Both photos by David Styles


  • Butler, A.: Editorial
  • Liddle, D.J. & Forster, P.I.: Notes on some commonly cultivated Hoya species from Australia, Papuasia and Melanesia: Hoya australis R.Br. ex Traill
  • Reith, R.: Asclepias stellifera Schltr.
  • Chaturvedi, S.K.: Floral Biology of Asclepias physocarpa (E. Mey.) Schltr. in Nagaland, India
  • Styles, D. & McDonald, G.: Riocreuxia flanaganii - an interesting record from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  • The Sales Table