Asklepios 103
Front Cover: Stapelia hirsuta PAB 411, North of Ceres, South Africa. Photo by Andrea Cattabriga
Back Cover: Larryleachia perlata . Photo by Chris Moore
Butler, A.: Editorial
Plowes, D.: Angolluma taitica (Bruyns) Plowes comb. nov
Moore, C.: Larryleachia perlata (Dinter) Plowes
Newton, L.E.: Where is the type locality of Caralluma subterranea ?
Plowes, D.C.H. & McCoy, T.: Angolluma doddsiae Plowes & T.A.McCoy sp. nov. A new stapeliad from Kenya
Walker, C.C.: Brachystelma bracteolatum Meve - a rare Nigerian endemic
Al-Khulaidi, A.W.A. & Butler, A.: Ceropegia foliosa Bruyns rediscovered...
Sharma, S., Rana, A., Chauhan, S. & Chauhan, S.V.S., Ambedkar, Dr. B.R. Floral and pollination biology of Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight & Arn., a threatened medicinal plant
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