Asklepios 101
Front Cover: Rhytidocaulon piliferum.
Photo by Tom McCoy
Back Cover: Rhytidocaulon pseudosubscandens.
Photo by Dr. Ulrich Tränkle
- Butler, A.: Editorial
- Downs, P. - Introduced by Butler, A.: The International Asclepiad Society - the first 33 years... (part two)
- de Kock, D.: The genus Rhytidocaulon P.R.O. Bally
- Hargreaves, B.J.: The Hoodia Saga Continues
- Khan, M.A., Ahmad, M., Zafar, M., Sultana, S. & Marwat, S.K.: A pollinarium pictorial of Asclepiads from Pakistan
- Goyder, D.: A review: A Checklist of Brachystelma, Ceropegia and the genera of the Stapeliads, by Dennis de Kock & Ulrich Meve, edited by Chris Moore
- Newton, L.E.: Echidnopsis dammanniana - "never say die"
- The Sales Table