International Asclepiad Society

Asklepios 100

Front Cover: Spathulopetalum arachnoideum.
Photo by Michel Monnier
Back Cover: Huernia volkartii.
Photo by Martin Heigan


  • Walker, C.C. - Introduced by Butler, A.: The International Asclepiad Society - the first 33 years... (part one)
  • Collenette, S.: The distribution of the genus Ceropegia in Saudi Arabia
  • Audissou, J-A.: A rare Asclepiad from Garies: Quaqua pallens Bruyns
  • d'Alessi, F. & Viljoen, L.: Introducing
  • Goyder, D.: Philibertia from the Andes of Bolivia and Argentina
  • Jonkers, B.: Mrs Barber's Seedless
  • Newton, L.E.: Reflections on the enigmatic Edithcolea grandis
  • Sharma, S., Rana, A., Chauhan, S. & Chauhan, S.V.S.: High levels of abiotic pollination in Calotropis gigantea (L.) W.T. Aiton
  • Styles, D., & Wragg, P.D.: Notes on Brachystelma pulchellum and B. modestum
  • Jonkers, B.: A note on Orbea decaisneana (Lemaire) Bruyns
  • The Sales Table