Asklepios 91
Front Cover: Ceropegia crassifolia.
Photo by Dennis De Kock
Back Cover: Pseudolithos migiurtinus.
Photo by Chris Moore
- Butler, A.: Editorial
- De Kock, D.: Notes on the cultivation of ceropegiads
- Noel, C.: Putting a name to some old favourites
- Forster, P.I.: Linnaeus and the asclepiads (Apocynaceae)
- Hargreaves, B.J. & Mosesane, N.: Hoodia Hoodoo
- Betteley, J.: Growing Pains
- Bruyns, P.V.: A Review of Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Asclepiadaceae
- De Kock, D.: The "what is what" in Ceropegia - a preliminary checklist (Part 3)
- The Sales Table