International Asclepiad Society

Asklepios 90

Front Cover: Stapelia flavopurpurea Marl.
Photo by A. Cattabriga
Back Cover: Echidnopsis cereiformis Hooker f., Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Plate No. 5930


  • Butler, A.: Editorial
  • Cullen, M.: In the Beginning...
  • Hargreaves, B.J. & Turner, Q.: The real Mosata
  • Moore, C.: A-Z of Favourites in my Greenhouse
  • Dodds, M.: Angolluma wilsonii (Bally) Plowes
  • Plowes, D.C.H.: Orbea elegans Plowes sp. nov.
  • Wiberg, E-K.: Why Hoya?
  • Meve, U.: Errata and Additions to the compilation of "The Asclepiadaceae Plates in Curtis's Botanical Magazine" published in Asklepios 88: 8-15 (2003)
  • De Kock, D.: The "what is what" in Ceropegia - a preliminary checklist (Part 2)
  • Abbott, M.J.: Report from the Treasurer
  • The Sales Table