Asklepios 88
Front Cover: Hoya purpureofusca Hook. Curtis's Bot. Mag. 76: t. 4520 (1850). (Figure 1)
Back Cover: Ceropegia bowkeri Harv. Curtis's Bot. Mag. 92: t. 5578 (1866). (Figure 8)
- Butler, A.: Honorary Life Membership of the IAS for Mr Les Delderfield
- Dold, T.: Notes on the recently described Brachystelma cummingii and its closest relative B. tenellum
- Meve, U.: The Asclepiadaceae Plates in Curtis's Botanical Magazine
- Butler, A.: International Ramblings
- Russo, L. & Bates, B.: Reviews
- Wiberg, E-K.: Hoya Trip to Sumatra & Peninsular Malaysia
- Butler, A.: Collectors' Corner
- The Sales Table