Front Cover: Jabal Samhan, Dhofar, Oman, habitat of Adenium obesum, Caralluma quadrangula, Echidnopsis scutellata subsp. dhofarensis, Caralluma flava, C. hexagona and Sarcostemma viminale subsp. stipitaceum Back Cover: Salalah-Sarfait road, Dhofar, Oman, with crossing of Wadi Afal and ascent to Jabal Qamar. Both photos by Bert Jonkers
Butler, A.: Editorial
Bruyns, Dr. P.V.: A Note on the Genus Orbea Haw.
Hargreaves, B.J.: Of what use is an Adenium?
Meve, U.: Asclepiads in the Literature (2001-2002)
Jonkers, B.: Succulent Ascleps in Oman - an additional commentary