Cover Illustration:Brachystelma barberae - tuber with one annual stem and inflorescence. Drawn by Rosemary Holcroft, adapted from a photograph by H. King. From Dyer, R.A. (1980) Asclepiadaceae (Brachystelma, Ceropegia, Riocreuxia) in Leistner, O.A. (ed.) Flora of Southern Africa 27 (4) p.1-91
Clark, Phil: Editorial
Society Matters
UK Asclepiad Visits
Plantex Report
Letter to the Editor
Catalogues Received
Plowes, Darrel C.H.: A preliminary reassessment of the Genera Hoodia & Trichocaulon (Stapelieae: Asclepiadaceae)
Walker, Colin C.: Asclepiads in the Literature
Forster, Paul I.: Asclepiad Profile No.1
Forster, Paul I. & Liddle, David J.: Asclepiad Profile No.2: Hoya imperialis Lindl.
Ollerton, Jeff: Asclepiad Cultivation in the Early 19th Century, Part 1