Cover Illustration: A - F Marsdenia praestans Schltr., G - N M. glabra Schltr., O - T M. kempteriana Schltr. from R. Schlechter, Die Asclepiadeceen von Deutch-New-Guinea (Botanish Jahrbucher 50 p. 148. 1914)
Society Matters
Land, Martin: A Huernia insigniflora that isn't
Pons, Peter:Ceropegia Meyeri
Clark, Phil:Ceropegia Ampliata - A look inside
Letters to the Editor
Walker, Colin C.: Asclepiads in the Literature
Walker, Colin C.: A Note on the Carallumas of Jordan
Longville, Tim: Sultry and Seductive Stranger: A Note on Asclepias Syriaca and some questions
Clark, Phil: A Word About Names
Hedgecock, Geoff: N.E. Brown's Reminiscences on Stapelieae