Front Cover:Orbea speciosa. Back Cover: Plant & Habitat of Orbea macloughlinii. Plant & Habitat of O. doldii. Plant & Habitat of O. speciosa. Both photos by David Styles
Butler, A.: Editorial
Thorwarth, H-J. R.: The Succulent Asclepiads of the Tiras Mountains of Southern Namibia: a preliminary compilation (Part 2)
Styles, D., & Wragg, P.D.: Notes on Brachystelma sandersonii and B. franksiae
Styles, D.: Searching for stapeliads in southern KwaZulu-Natal and the Transkei
Letters to the Editor
Sampson, D.: Obituary: John Kenneth Spearing PhD, 29.12.1910 - 25.4.2007