Asklepios 94
Front Cover: Caralluma joannis at Aoulouz, Morocco.
Back Cover: Caralluma burchardii.
Both photos by Jean-André Audissou
- Butler, A.: Editorial
- Hargreaves, B.J., Mafakate, D. & Kabelo, M.: More on adeniums in Botswana
- Hargreaves, B.J. & Turner, Q.: The extremes of Hoodia in Botswana
- Moore, C.: A-Z of Favourites in my Greenhouse (Part 4)
- Sultan, A., Mumtaz, A.S., Ahmad, Z., Mehmood, F., Kahn, M.A.: Pollinarium morphology in Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. and allies from Pakistan
- Szakacs, J.R.: Maintaining Hoya plants
- Audissou, J-A.: Moroccan stapeliads
- The Sales Table