International Asclepiad Society

Asklepios 77

Cover Illustration: Brachystelma circinatum: syn. B. galpinii. A flowering plant from near Barberton, x1. From Dyer, R.A. (1983) Ceropegia, Brachystelma and Riocruxia in Southern Africa. Adapted by Rosemary Holcroft from Flower. Pl. Afr. 536


  • Downs, Philip E.: Editorial
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Bayer, M.B.: Is Classification Science or Art?
  • CCW.: Book Review: A Handbook of the Yemen Flora by J.R.I. Wood
  • Hargreaves, Bruce J.: Brachystelma in Botswana, Malawi and Lesotho
  • CCW.: Book Review: Carallumas of the Indian Subcontinent by R. Gandhi
  • Alp, P.R.: A Note on Brachystelma garrardii Harv.
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Jonkers, Bert: What is Caralluma aucheriana (Decaisne) N.E. Brown?
  • Walker, Colin C.: Asclepiads in the Literature
  • CCW.: Book Review: Wildflowers of Saudi Arabia by Sheila Collenette
  • Ollerton, Jeff: Fly Trapping in Ceropegia Flowers - Evidence of Ant-Predation of Pollinators
  • The Sales Table