Asklepios 75
Cover Illustration: Stapelia ambigua Masson, Fig. 52 from A. Berger's 'Stapelieen und Kleinien' (1910)
- Downs, Philip E.: Editorial
- Noble, Peter: Society Matters
- Letters to the Editor
- Catalogues Received
- Walker, Colin C.: Asclepiads in the Literature
- Mays, Harry: The 1999 Offering of ISI Plants
- In Memoriam - Alf Woodward (1929-1998)
- Cole, Desmond T.: Stapeliads and other succulents in Botswana
- Rowley, G.D.: Fockea edulis var. capensis - The correct name for the "Old Lady of Schönbrunn"
- Kloppenburg, Dale: Grafting Hoyas
- Hargreaves, Bruce J.: Huernia in Botswana
- Kunze, Henning: Floral structure and pollination biology in Matelea lanata (Asclepiadaceae)
- Clark, P.S.: Exploitation of Milkweeds - An Addendum
- Spearing, John K.: A preliminary study of the morphology of seedlings of the genus Duvalia (Asclepiadaceae)
- Rowley, G.D.: Short communication: A new combination in Ceropegia
- The Sales Table