Asklepios 59
Cover Illustration: Ceropegia sandersonii from Cooke, M.C. (1882) Freaks and Marvels of Plant Life. S.P.C.K.
- Editorial
- Catalogues Received
- The Sales Table
- Society Matters
- Corrigenda
- Letters to the Editor
- Heron, Elsdon: Propagating Asclepias
- Exploitation of Milkweeds
- Walker, Colin C.: Asclepiads in the Literature
- Jonkers, Bert & Walker, Colin C.: The Asclepiads of Morocco - A Short Commentary
- Meve, Ulrich: A New Zimbabwean Locality for the variable Brachystelma gracile E.A. Bruce
- ISI - 1993
- The ISI: Listing of offerings continued from Asklepios 58