Front Cover:Caralluma socotrana in full flower on the southern slopes of the Haghier mountains Socotra. Photo by Giuseppe Orlando Back Cover:Crenulluma flava, Dhofar Province, Oman. Photo Gaetano Moschetti
Butler, A.: Editorial
Moschetti, G.: Dhofar Apocynaceae
Orlando, G.: Jewels of Yemen
Ordonez de la Cruz, J.E.: The cultivation of Pseudolithos cubiformis, Pseudolithos migiurtinus and Whitesloanea crassa
Maayan, J.: Asclepiads and insect pollinators
Collins, P.:Frerea indica or Shindal Makadi, a strange stapeliad
Green, T.: New species of Hoya (Apocynaceae - Asclepiadoideae) from Sarawak, Malaysia: Hoya bauensis T. Green sp. nov.