International Asclepiad Society

Asklepios 123

Front Cover: Darrel Plowes during a field trip in 2009.
Photo by Richard Plowes
Back Cover: Huernia plowesii DP 8807 S4


  • Bensusan, K.: Editorial
  • McCoy, T.: Darrel C.H. Plowes (1925-2016) Natural Historian extraordinaire, botanist, and friend
  • Pehlemann-Brase, I.: Asclepiads in the Drakensberg: Lesotho, Kwazulu-Natal and the Free State
  • Sorensen, P & Helin, T.: A new record of Apteranthes joannis (Maire) Plowes from the High Atlas
  • Kumar Vaid, M.: Study of Caralluma sarkariae Lavranos & R.M.I. Frandsen, its distribution, habitat and morphology in Southern India