Asklepios 121
Front Cover: Duvalia corderoyi.
Photo by Linda Gleisser
Back Cover: Morocco, Mirlift.
Photo by Keith Bensusan
- Butler, A.: Editorial
- Kambale, S.S., Kamble, M.Y. & Yadav, S.R.: Heterostemmas of Northern Western Ghats, India and their typifications
- Polling, B.: Growth patterns in stapeliads
- Bensusan, K. & Gdaniec, A.: Southwest Morocco and its Stapeliads: A Trip Report
- Kambale, S.S., Kamble, M.Y. & Yadav, S.R.: Bracnhystelma, A concealed beauty of rarity
- Butler, A.: Book Review: Stapeliads (refreshed) by John Pilbeam, a review by Alan Butler