International Asclepiad Society

Asklepios 119

Front Cover: Matelea cyclophylla
Photo by Evelyn Durst
Back Cover: Caralluma burchardii, between Mala and Charco del Palo, Lanzarote.
Photo by Massimo Afferni


  • Butler, A.: Editorial
  • Goyder, D.: Asclepiads in the literature : A review of progress and trends in the past five years
  • Afferni, M.: Ceropegia chrysantha Svent an unresolved mystery?
  • Jankalski, S.: Fockea, Cibirhiza and Petopentia
  • Afferni, M.: Are there one or two different carallumas occuring on the Canary Islands?
  • Kloppenburg, D.: A list of Hoya Species covered by the Hoya Key