Front Cover: An attractive hybrid of Orbea variegata and possibly Orbea ciliata flowering in Western Australia in the collection of Patrick Hamlyn. Photo by Patrick Hamlyn Back Cover: Ehrenberg's original illustration of Desmidorchis retrospiciens from Dahlak Island in Symbolae Physicae as mentioned on page 4 of this journal
Butler, A.: Editorial
Plowes, D. H. C.: Some New Name Combinations in the Stapeliads (Part 1)
Kambale, S. S. & Yadov, S. R.: Ceropegias of the Western Ghats: Diversity, Problems and Prospects
Kloppenburg, D., Siar, S. V., Mendoza, G., Cajano, M. A. O., Guevarra, M. L. D. & Carandang, J. M.:Hoya celata sp. nov