Asklepios 106
Front Cover: Hoya platycaulis.
Photo by Torill Nyhuus
Back Cover: Caralluma munbyana ssp. hispanica.
Photo by Antonio Pont Font
- Butler, A.: Editorial
- Plowes, D.C.H.: White-sloanea crassa (N.E. Br.) Chiov. A remarkable stapeliad
- Wiberg, E.-K.: Small Hoya Cuties
- Hargreaves, B. J.: Edithcolea in Bakersfield
- Meve, U.: Orbea nardii precedes Orbea wissmannii var. parviloba
- Simonsson, N. & Rodda, M.: Hoya platycaulis Simonsson & Rodda sp. nov. an attractive new Hoya (Apocynaceae - Asclepiadoideae) from the Philippines
- Pont Font, A.: A new locality for Caralluma munbyana ssp. hispanica to the north of Alicante
- Elis, J.: Starting a Hoya Collection
- Goydner, D. & Al-Hemaid, F.M.A.: The identity of the Saudi Arabian species Huernia haddaica Hemaid
- The Sales Table